Share Capital

As of February 14, 2024 the share capital of Verallia is 408,321,248.14 euros and is divided into 120,805,103 ordinary shares, each having a par value of 3.38 euros.


As of December 31, 2024 Verallia’s shareholding is allocated as follows:

Brasil Warrant Administração de Bens e Empresas S.A. (BWSA)(1)
Invesco Ltd
Bpifrance Participations
Employees (Verallia FCPE and direct shareholders)
Treasury shares
Shareholders Number of shares % of share capital Number of theoretical voting rights % of theoretical voting rights
Shareholders: Public Number of shares: 56,029,045 % of share capital: 46.38% Number of theoretical voting rights: 59,390,062 % of theoretical voting rights: 41.47%
Shareholders: Brasil Warrant Administração de Bens e Empresas S.A. (BWSA)(1) Number of shares: 34,839,565 % of share capital: 28.84% Number of theoretical voting rights: 39,970,133 % of theoretical voting rights: 27.91%
Shareholders: Invesco Number of shares: 12,372,826 % of share capital: 10.24% Number of theoretical voting rights: 12,343,889 % of theoretical voting rights: 8.62%
Shareholders: Bpifrance Participations Number of shares: 9,189,887 % of share capital: 7.61% Number of theoretical voting rights: 18,379,774 % of theoretical voting rights: 12.83%
Shareholders: Employees (Verallia FCPE and direct shareholders) Number of shares: 5,284,417 % of share capital: 4.37% Number of theoretical voting rights: 10,031,094 % of theoretical voting rights: 7.00%
Shareholders: Treasury shares Number of shares: 3,089,363 % of share capital: 2.56% Number of theoretical voting rights: 3,089,363 % of theoretical voting rights: 2.16%
Shareholders: TOTAL Number of shares: 120,805,103 % of share capital: 100.00% Number of theoretical voting rights: 143,204,315 % of theoretical voting rights: 100.00%

(1) BWSA, which is controlled by the Moreira Salles family, holds 99.965% of BW Gestão de Investimentos Ltda. (“BWGI”), which is the independent investment manager of Kaon V, the investment vehicle which holds the Verallia shares. BWSA directly holds 1,000 Verallia shares, and BWGI also directly holds 1,000 Verallia shares.



Verallia’s by-laws

Crossing of statutory thresholds

While Verallia’s shares are admitted to trading on a regulated market, in addition to the ownership threshold disclosures expressly provided for by applicable laws and regulations, any natural or legal person who directly or indirectly holds, alone or in concert, a percentage of the capital or voting rights (calculated in accordance with the provisions of Articles L. 233-7 and L. 233-9 of the French Commercial Code and the provisions of the AMF General Regulation) equal to or greater than 1% of the capital or voting rights, or any multiple thereof, even if above the thresholds stipulated in the statutory and regulatory provisions, shall notify Verallia of the total number (i) of shares and voting rights that he or she holds, directly or indirectly, alone or in concert, (ii) securities giving access in future to Verallia’s capital that he or she owns, directly

or indirectly, alone or in concert, and the voting rights potentially attaching thereto, and (iii) of existing shares in issue that such person may acquire by virtue of an agreement or financial instrument mentioned in Article L. 211-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code. Said notification shall be made by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt within four trading days of breaching the relevant threshold.

The requirement to inform Verallia shall also apply, within the same time frame and under the same conditions, if the shareholder’s interest in the capital or voting rights falls below one of the above-mentioned thresholds.

Double voting rights

A double voting right are conferred on fully subscribed, registered nominal shares held by the same person for at least two (2) years. The period before the date of listing on Euronext Paris market is not taken into account in the calculation of the length of detention.

Our governance

Our Executive Committee is made up of directors in charge of Group functions and directors of key regions.
